Under the Night Skies with You: UPLB AstroSoc after more than two years

Yesterday, December 16, 2011, UPLB Astronomical Society officially welcomed ten new members to the organization. To date, the society is 54 in number.

21 (Incorporators/Batch Alpha) + 15 (Batch Nebula) + 7 (Batch Solari) + 10 (Batch Helios) The number isn’t solid though, some graduated and a few got caught in black holes. Lol. So the pictures:

Batch Helios Acceptance Rites at a resort in Calamba, Laguna 


and the Christmas Party after it…



But before that, it was UPLB AstroSoc’s 3rd Orientation last November 24


Back then, it was just the official 22 founding members aka Charter Members before we started accepting new members (few aren’t in the photo) 


And that first meeting on June, 2010…


…before I met them through a Facebook Group.

But most of all, it was just a random tweet back when I had no followers. 😉


Thank you God for these people. Thank You because you created the stars, the moon, the meteor showers and all those astronomical phenomenon that brought all of us together. Thank you because you made a way for me to meet these fantastic people who love the night skies as much as I do.

Astronomy and its vastness made me realize that we are indeed, the significant insignificance. (x)

Just, Thank You.♥



My friends and I went to Greenbelt 3 to finally see each other after one semester. I missed them so much, I forgot how fun they are to be with. We had dinner at Yakimix then killed time in Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf. I love how we can talk about anything. I don’t want to sound very sentimental but I’m just so happy that even though we rarely see each other, it feels like nothing has changed. We’re still crazy together.












How To Back Up Windows 7 Sticky Notes

C:Users<Your Username>AppDataRoamingMicrosoftSticky NotesStickyNotes.snt 

Just copy the StickyNotes.snt file and paste it in the same directory after formatting your computer 😉

PS. If you can’t find AppData, the folder is probably hidden so you have to unhide it.

Organize > Folder and Search Options > View Tab > Tick Show hidden files, folders and drives radio button 

And, Windows 7 Sticky Notes TIPS & TRICKS 🙂

According To Gabby Concepcion Laging Very Loving Si Overweight Sharon Cuneta After Performing

That is simply a mnemonic for the 13 Zodiacal Constellations. 

According – Aries

To – Taurus

Gabby – Gemini

Concepcion – Cancer

Laging – Leo

Very – Virgo

Loving – Libra

Si – Scorpius

Overweight – Ophiuchus

Sharon – Sagittarius

Cuneta – Capricorn

After – Aquarius

Performing – Pisces

To my foreign friends, this would not be very useful because I know you are clueless about who those people are. However, you may use this:

All The Great Constellations Live Very Long Since Oscillating Stars Can’t Alter Physics (source)

I added the oscillating (twinkling) word since astronomers have long considered Ophiuchus as one of the Zodiacs. Astrologers, however, think that having a 13th constellation (mind you, the constellation is aka The Serpent Bearer) is unlucky, malas or whatever you want to call it. By the way, Sharon and Gabby were really famous personalities back in the 80’s here in our country. 


Screenshot from Stellarium

Thank you, Nico Mendoza (former RTU AstroSoc president) for reminding me about this! A few days ago at the Laguna State Polytechnic University in Santa Cruz, Laguna, the UPLB AstroSoc conducted its annual activity called AstroSkwela where we taught Basic Astronomy to students (and probably the teachers, too). I talked about it in my previous post.

One more thing, those constellations belonged to the Zodiac because they lie along the Ecliptic. Ecliptic is the sun’s path over the course of the year.

I was never able to memorize those 13 until I learned about the mnemonic. How about you? How’d you do it 😉 To the Stars!

I just realized we didn’t have a picture when we won in Ultimate last Monday!

UPLB AstroSoc won against UP Prism last Monday in Ultimate, because I was one of the players. Kidding! Haha! But if you were reading my posts, we lost the other round against Symbiosis two weeks ago(with a score of zero because I played as well lol) so this is definitely a sweet victory for us. 

I still can’t believe we had a group shot when we lost and we didn’t have one when finally we won. Hahahaha. KasCASan has definitely added a lot of bonding moments within the organization; strengthened friendship between the members, too.

I wonder who will we be competing with next week. By the way, pray for me so I that I’d score high enough for us to win all rounds in Bowling 😉 

The Clean & Clear Experience

I should blog about this now before I totally forget about the whole experience. Top Best Friends 2011 Jilli & Sab just got back from Singapore for the Beauty Camp with the other BFF’s from different countries. After which, international voting for the Grand Top BFF’s will start this August. So…

How did this start for Rachelle and I? It was totally Rachelle’s idea. The prizes include a trip to Singapore (which she soooo wants) and modeling contracts which she knows I won’t skip. But really, I just join and go anything that comes along my way. Adventurous-type huh.

Voting stint. The voting process was for a month which started June 12. What shocked me then was the voters could vote every single day—which means we have to remind them constantly which we know would be annoying.

There was a time we topped among all the pairs but finally, we ended Top 10. Thank God the Clean & Clear staff was getting the Top 15 to be interviewed.

Interview. I had to ditch classes for this but Rachelle won’t (it’s against her being, lol) We were scheduled before lunch but I arrived in Manila around 10am which was too early. Guess what, Rachelle came late hahahhaha I was close to getting pissed but nope, didn’t allow that to happen :)) The incident just proved that if you’re nearer the rendezvous, you will be arriving much later. 


We had fun at the interview. OH BUT BEFORE THAT, I had fun at the elevator! Hahaha! I got in and out of it four times (there were like 12 of it on the ground floor, each going to specific floors) before I found the correct elevator which would lead me to the right floor. Going back, the interview kinda had us recall our stories we already forgot about. We should have prepared ourselves with BFF stories. Haha! It was quick and then they gave us Clean & Clear products 🙂 Afterwards, we roamed around the tower which was the 2nd tallest in the country. There was one floor level there with all the food stalls and resto, we ate then headed back to school. 😉

I don’t know when but I am thinking of joining the contest again, maybe after 3 years, please Rachelle? *battling eyelashes* Now we know that the local voting round was just for the C&C staff to decide who will enter the interview stage. Once in the interview stage, votes were disregarded and the results were purely based on the interview itself. Therefore, the next time we join we’ve already got years of preparation. Hahahaha

Lastly, THANK YOU VERY MUCH TO OUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY WHO VOTED FOR US! 2906, wow. Hugs and kisses, my lovelies!♥

End of Story.